A catalogue ‘Edie’….

Looking through my recent catalogue I espied a number of woolly head scarves that got my attention. Three of which I’ve selected here for your perusal, from ‘Snuggles’ neck warmer, which promises that ‘the freezing cold won’t upset you anymore’ & instructs ‘just slip over your head & fasten the lovely fashionable buttons’ well you can’t miss those buttons that’s true! And the ‘Sophie Reneeve fashion neck warmer’ (whoever Sophie Reneeve is…I googled the name but only came up with the catalogue so a real mystery here…so if you know her do let me know)
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This one promises to ‘keep your head & neck toasty warm while looking like you just stepped out of a Hollywood studio’ Wow!! better order one pronto! What? You get 2 for 1? Bingo! Even better…a ‘twofer‘…next is the St Moritz hooded scarf whose ‘high fashion design is inspired by the elegance of Hollywood stars’, also described ‘warm as toast’ with a ‘double knit design that luxuriantly encases your head’ (as long as it only does do that & nothing else as these are very high promises..) looking at these designs made me think of the lovely Edie from Grey Gardens who became her own self styled fashion icon with her cardigan head & brooch scarves, so I thought before laying out the cash I would give the ‘Edie style’ a go.

shot from the film Edie shows 'how it's done'..I set to work & fashioned a black cardigan on my head & held it together with a bow brooch (one that I’ve had since a teenager so glad I’ve kept it this long) well the result is here & I must say for my first attempt not bad at all!! (though wearing a cardy on your head is a bit cumbersome at times) so I may well go for one of the catalogue offers, possibly the St Moritz one where I can feel ‘very exclusive’ & may ‘ski off to success’...’ so the hot toddy’s on me this time, or rather anyone for ‘schnapps & fondue?’

Check my bow brooch!! Jealous??