A Blog-‘tastic’! post..

My 'Blogtastic' eye..In reference to my previous post on the ‘Women Fashion Power’ exhibition I present Stephanie in what I would describe in a truly ‘blog-‘tastic‘ manner, in which I have made Stephanie ‘appear at the exhibition’ by the ‘magic’ of photo manipulation into the situation… & she truly deserves this honour!  Not only does she earn her place at the show, she certainly could do with the opportunity of some new surrounding’s!, it’s a ‘trip away as it were’. In the first outfit she ‘takes the stage’ in a Lady Gaga dress by Gareth Pugh all black ruffles & statuesque which is truly blogtastically dramatic.

In the second outfit the tone has changed to a much more ‘let’s get down to business in a no nonsense way‘ with a beautiful green merchant silk long jacket with black dress & I must say some funky ‘statement’ black & tan sandals which certainly gives this outfit a ‘kick‘. In this ensemble Steph looks relaxed & serene but ‘in control, confident, comfortable & ready to act’. Which surely fits in most smoothly with the exhibition’s theme without even trying!  So well done to Steph for ‘stepping up to the plate & making a mark’ & for packing a ‘blog-tastic’ fashion power punch!! 

Now for a 'no-nonsense' stance