It’s all about the ‘Bride’…Friday ‘Brideday’!

The Bride App on itunes the one i couldn't get...So feeling rather glum I decided to try & make myself feel better  by getting ‘appy’ with it, & using as my inspiration TLC’s continuing ‘Friday brideday’ theme. This would of course include my two ‘fashion queens’ Stephanie & Marianne, so now all I had to do was turn these 2 models into brides, but the question was how? Well I am trying bit by bit to catch up with the ‘yoof’ so to speak or rather those who are ‘totally with it’ technologically – meaning people who know their ‘app from their elbow’…I was ‘outside’ of all this for a while, but I had to get a smart phone & so discovered this ‘wonderful world of apps’ via the Google play store. I had also acquired a very small & cheap tablet so thus the journey had begun..initially I was just looking at photo editing apps, there were many… but not an awful lot that were any good.. (I found you could literally spend hours & hours or even whole days browsing these..) but on my journey I came across a number of funny apps where you could give yourself any number of makeovers..want to cover your wrinkles, crow’s feet or large pores or spots? – no problem

Stephanie takes 'centre stage' on the cover ELLE

Just use an app that will smooth all that away in a jiffy & you’ll not only look 21 again but you’re skin will look ‘glowing, refreshed & illuminated’! Want a new body or fashion look? Again this can be easily  achieved with cutting & pasting your head on the desired body/look. So with this in mind I downloaded a Bridal app where the idea is you can try out different bridal looks with ease (well relatively..) so firstly I transformed my two models into ‘blushing brides’ & added 2′ dainty fascinators’ for a finishing ‘touch’. Then taking this a stage further I came across another app in which you can create you’re own ‘magazine cover’. Yes you can be the’ star of your own show’ (hmm..there’s a theme here..) And (drum roll) may I now present Stephanie on the cover of ‘Elle’ & Marianne on the cover of Vogue magazine! & very ‘at home’ both look! (like they do this every week).

Not to be outdone Marianne 'steps into Vogue'

With this excitement over I’m looking forward to watching my recordings of the new ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ (on at 8pm) finally after rerun after rerun something new…(& certainly about time too). I can just sit back & relax whilst I watch all these consultants & brides get in a ‘tizzy‘, over that dress for the BIG day. All I know is that both Stephanie & Marianne are both ‘bridal ready’ & within the right ‘price point’ whilst echoing the wise words of Randy Fenoli ‘it’s about bringing the focus back onto the bride’ & ‘ it’s all about the bride’….& this is what I have tried to achieve these 2 magazine makeovers that I’m more than ‘appy’ with…! (kind of feeling a bit better now..)