I’m back! (part one)…

It's 'make your own' because you can't buy it here!

So I’ve returned from my sojourn…& I must say I’m glad to be back… enjoyable as it was there’s only so much of bumpy beds & ‘guest house’ style surroundings that I could take without doing serious ‘damage’ to my health either mental or physical…So it was time for a ‘sharp exit’ ‘stage left’ if you see what I mean…Where I was staying was just outside a small village where ‘no bingo or amusements’ were to be had but more importantly no postcards or thimbles…so I had to make my own postcard on return..a very poor state of affairs but well I’ll have to accept it just wasn’t their style to maybe ‘lower themselves’ to ‘tourist-‘ize’ their village….so I did it for them..in this ‘chocolate box’ image of a pretty cottage & I must say I’m not too disappointed with the result, it’s not original but well how many postcards are??  Not a lot judging from what I’ve seen…and just what is it with the decor in holiday accommodations? Whether it’s a guesthouse or a shalet (where I stayed) the colour scheme is either beige or to be more precise ‘neutral’, in other words bland & ‘apparently inoffensive’, which to me generally is offensive & belies a severe lack of taste, I mean this issue can get so bad that famously Oscar Wilde’s last words were ‘either I go or the wallpaper does’ …& I can really sympathize with this sentiment, I mean check out my pics below!Holiday accomodation decor leaves a lot to be desired...

Not only was the rose in the vase plastic but so is the water.. I mean who is going to fall for that?? & don’t get me started on the pebble base lamp…ahhhh! So obviously to escape these ‘horrors’ I made it down to the lovely beach & for a stroll across the dunes (well this is Norfolk!) & I continued my walk until I hit a place that was ‘totally seasidey’ the opposite in fact of the village I left. This place had crazy golf, a fairground, cafés galore, bingo!, & more importantly gift shops!  Where I did indeed procure the said sort after thimble!  Oh yes I was getting excited now…I was really in the ‘holiday mood’…at last I was able to satisfy my ‘ thimble desire’.

A seaside 'fashion faux pas'?So after some refreshments I did a quick ‘once over’ of the fashions on offer, I can’t say I was very excited about the ‘apparel appeals’, but well I wasn’t really expecting much so I can’t say I was too disappointed or indeed excited but needless to say no purchases were made…floral’s were blooming here in many of the dresses on display with plenty of ‘unsuitable’ T-shirts & tacky bags..so my purse strings thankfully remained intact…until I came across…( to be continued)…

Searching 'high & low' paid off 'thimble wise'