My Fashion ‘Eye’…

I was inspired by this fashion 'icon'

In trying to ‘keep up with the Jones’ as it were in this fashion blogging arena I decided that I needed to create an ‘icon’ to represent ‘My Fashion Eye’, I was inspired by an image I ‘spied’ in one of my vintage magazines….’Titbits’.. from 1967 & yes this is the right name (& the year I was born…I’m 48 years ‘young’ now...) it was at the head of the fashion page by Barbara Jeffrey so I couldn’t miss it. So I set to work to begin creating my ‘masterpiece’ in my favourite photo editing programmes..

My Fashion Eye - my creation

I even had a ‘look back’ at some eyes from magazine ad’s that I embroider-‘ised’ previously for further everything was going rather well….until the internet (provided by Sky) decided to stop working…& still is… with no option but to resort to my smartphone (& a good job it is too…)I well fashion-'ise' with my 'fashion eyes'as I needed to upload my post this is a new experience for me & I’m certainly needing my glasses to complete this…I’m not used to working on such a small screen..but needs must! At least I was able to get around this little my ‘Fashion Eye’ will be appearing again very is forever working, collating, watching, editing, noting, researching, ‘photographing’, & ‘capturing’…so we’ll see what I will visual ‘eyes’ next time…