I should ‘Coco’..Mr Selfridge..!

the first Chanel displayOn a mission to do a friend a favour I was pleasantly surprised by Chanel’s mannequin display whilst in Selfridge’s London. I was there to make a quick visit & pick up a ‘ click & collect’ order, but well got distracted on the way… I’ve not been there for years & years (& to be honest not really had the occasion if you see what I mean….) I’d forgotten just how, ‘grand’ the place was.. despite avidly watching Mr Selfridge on ITV!

a fashionably relaxed pose

So when you enter through the ground floor entrance, you enter ‘brand’ world… each brand had it’s own space sectioned off with marble walls & floors it’s like visiting ‘the church of consumerism’ well in fact you are & your browsing in the ‘ temples of brand worship’, I cannot adequately describe just quite how apparent this is with items displayed on plinths or sealed off in glass case’s or mounted high on marble shelves, it felt very intimidating to me…I was neither dressed for the occasion or nor had the purse power to ‘splash my cash’. I digress but it was truly overwhelming..

looking good here..& why have 1 bag when you can have 2?

Anyway I got out my camera phone & took a few pic’s, I then made my way up to the first floor & excitedly found a further Chanel display, again I got out my phone &’ I was happily ‘snapping away’ before I got stopped (politely) & was told, ‘photo’s were not allowed’…well ‘maybe one or two‘ but that was it!! I replied, ‘Sorry I just love mannequins,’ as a by way of an ‘excuse’ but well it is true…so here are my shots they feature this season’s up & coming looks, & a very fine selection it is too! I love the hats though not sure they’d suit me…

wrapped up for winter Chanel style...

The looks are ‘typically Chanel’ with the signature quilted bags, the Chanel suit jacket, the colour black, pearls & bobbed hair..& let’s not ignore the mannequins ‘stances’ & ‘poses’ encapsulating the Chanel look & attitude. Cool (very), controlled, knowing & slightly aloof, the look is timeless, with the attention to detail of current trends represented in the bobble hats, heels & textured fluffy dress. All in all a ‘ very good show‘. Years ago I did try ‘to acquire’ a Chanel suit by the way of sponsorship unfortunately it didn’t come off… but well it was worth a try..my idea probably didn’t fit with their ‘brand image’.. All I know is that I was enthused by this visit so I’ll be back ‘up town’ or I should Coco!

a closer look at those looks that 'could kill'...


taking a quiet 'reflecting' moment in this 'branded temple'