A fashion report from…the Isle of Man!

'which everway I am thrown I will stand'So I’ve just been on another sojourn this time on the Isle of Man & what a fine time I had there too! The weather was excellent it only rained once! (maybe a record for a UK holiday…??) & I didn’t need one of those trusty rain hoods (as depicted in my Gucci up post https://philippanestie.com/gucci-up-2/) & I must say I’m very thankful for that this time..so why the Isle of Man you may ask? Well as I grew up in the north I remember my aunt’s saying that they holidayed there, on this ‘mysterious’ island in the middle of the Irish sea….between here & of course Ireland, and there the fascination with this location began…so it wasn’t until relatively recently I first made my voyage over there on the Isle of Man Steam Packet ferry & very exciting it was too! I’ve now been to the island 5 times & I’m not bored yet, guess I’m in love with its enchanting landscapes & ‘oldey worldly’ railways & ‘ways’, the lack of tourists & its novel history (it is largely self governing with its own laws & penal system started from the time of the Vikings) so on this visit I could scan my ‘fashion eye’ with ease as I already done all the tourist attractions (& trust me there are some brilliant ones just check it out yourself sometime!) Now ‘getting back to business’ my first fashion ‘foray’ was at a table sale in Castletown & here I acquired some great accessories for Marianne which I’ll feature later on..

there's not many hair 'studios' like this anymore...

Then a hairdressers in Ramsey ‘caught my eye’ so I ventured inside…it was like ‘stepping into the past’…you just don’t see many or any salons like this anymore, with its orange seats & over head dryers – just like the ones I use to accompany my mum to as a child when she was having her ‘shampoo & set’, also whilst in Ramsey doing a ‘scan’ for any mannequins my fashion eye zoomed into one shop window where I spotted a mannequin wearing a cosy quilted plum coloured button up nightgown very suitable I thought for the approaching winter nights…

a stylish & warm plum gown for the coming winter nights..

Next on a visit to Douglas the island’s Capital I found two items that certainly didn’t ‘break the bank’ an amusing ‘like’ badge for 60p & a ‘ I heart Mann’ thimble for £2.30 not too bad – though I have had cheaper thimbles..but well just ‘had to have this one’…

I 'ilke' this view!..

luv, luv the Isle of Man!

Disappointingly Douglas was pretty low on the mannequin front but I did find one in a design shop’s window pictured here whom I gave an ‘electrifying’ makeover as she was looking a bit dull & needed a ‘colour & style’ boost. I also have given her some black strappy shoes & a silver ‘in the city & there’s a lot happening’ clutch bag as she just wasn’t ‘cutting it’ looking so ‘naked’ accessory wise…(yes I know you want one of those bags too..)

it was time for a mannequin 'makeover'

My final picture here is of a mannequin head from a hairdressers in Port Erin amusingly called ‘Port Hair In’ (why do hairdresser’s come up with names like this? It’s a ‘mystery’ to me…) anyway she’s a lovely mannequin head who I added a bit of ‘drama’ to, via one of my phone apps giving her a more romantic feel. I will now end here & note the meaning of the three legs of man symbol ‘which everyway I am thrown I will stand’ a very strong & empowering motto & so with an ‘adieux’ I will return shortly with the next ‘leg’ of my ‘fashion’ journey on the I.O.M!

adding a more 'romantic' feel