‘Blogged out’…

this postcard reflects exactly how I feel...

Yep, this is how I feel after over a year’s non-stop blogging…I feel like I’m all ‘blogged out’ at the moment & I need some serious rest and rejuvenation…for which the New Year is an ideal time to take stock/make a ‘pitstop’ reflect, edit, & possibly delete?? Make fresh plans,  it’s ‘out with the old and in with the new’ as the saying goes…in 2016 I will need to get more media savvy oh yes! Maybe I’ll tweet or twitter or even facebook but I have to start somewheresocial media is a minefield and I’m scared! But well there’s no-way to avoid it, so I’ll just have to ‘pull myself up by the bootstraps’ and ‘just get on with it’ somehow…but is there really no other way to get noticed and make a mark these days?? It seems not..so I’ll just have to join in…So ‘move over’ those ‘big shots’ as Philippa will be supercharged & turboed up! Ready to ‘go, go, go’….!

Oh & by the way, Happy New Year! So in 2016 who will be the new fashion ‘Queen’?

Marianne..Stephanie…Philippa…or someone else? It’ll be interesting to find out…

these 'likely lads' herald a New Year - out with the old & in with the old or is it the new??

above picture of Postcard in the V&A by William Eggleston ‘Memphis, Tennessee’ c 1974-75