Alert! No Photo!

No photo! So whilst on a recent visit to London I tried to make the most of any ‘photo opportunity’ with my ‘Fashion Eye’ scanning around to see what I could capture. I entered Selfridges with my camera phone at the ready to spot any ‘top fashion’s’ or exciting mannequin displays. Unfortunately Selfridges seems to have a ‘no photo’ policy, so whilst I was photographing the Chanel display, I was approached by a member of staff saying “Excuse me, Madame no photographs are allowed.”

Well I’d already taken about three photos at this point’ ,”Oh sorry I didn’t realise,” I said in my most dismayed and polite manner. However undeterred  I stepped on to the escalator to the first floor Women’s fashion, to see if I could take any more snap’s.

Whatever angle it's still no photo!

Well I can’t say I had much more luck on this floor…No sooner as I pointed my camera phone at the mannequin display I heard a voice “Excuse me Miss, excuse me, hello there are no photos allowed,” as soon as I heard this I ‘snapped away’ and made a sharp exit to the other side of the floor, in which I managed a few more snaps. Believing now I’ve probably used all my luck up, I decided to descend back down to the ground floor, but on leaving.. I spotted the Dior section with a very attractive and fashionable mannequin on display so I snapped that and headed for the exit. (Before I got in any more trouble..!).

Dior was 'near the door' so I snapped that & made a 'sharp exit'

However, I had much more luck at the Louis Vuitton store on New Bond Street, not only could I photograph the mannequins in the window but when I went into the store I asked one of the assistants if I could “photograph the displays?” And she replied, “Well of course, Madame no problem.” I was delighted to hear this, so I snapped away and the results are pictured here, so not only is it a ‘big thumbs’ up for Louis Vuitton but also a massive tick! For being so accommodating, I really can’t fault them, in fact when I visited the exhibition back in September last year their response was also very positive.

LV gets a big tick for allowing in store photos!

So there is definitely no need for a ‘no photo’ sign at Louis Vuitton, or to record here a ‘bad attitude’ unlike Selfridges, I mean what’s the harm of taking a few photos? Obviously maybe they want to ‘protect their image’ and the ‘designer’s fashions’, but they are already on public display so what is the harm in it? I just don’t get their ‘uptight attitude’, but at least I’ve got some recent fashion updates to enjoy from a brand where a no photo sign is just not applicable I am very relieved to say…

Thank goodness LV had Mannequins with faces!

I was very happy that I was able to capture this great summer look

The Louis Vuitton window display - looking v good!