“Get lost!”…it’s Halloween!

It’s being Halloween I decided last week that I would ‘search my archive’ for some photo inspiration..a while ago I visited the Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle Cornwall. A most fascinating collection of intrigue! Searching through my pictures I came across a ‘Get lost’ box which piqued my interest..I read that this spell involves placing a “piece of the problem, a few infected skin scrapings in a box, wrapping it with cloth and taking it to the nearest crossroads, and leaving it there” where some unsuspecting innocent “is sure to nick the box and take it home”, and ‘wallah’ all your problems disappeared!

The inspiration the 'Get lost' spell box

To be transferred on to someone else…now there’s more than a bit of meanness in passing all your unwanted woe’s onto someone else. So with various things not ‘sitting right’ with me, plus various health issues and other people’s dramas…I decided to create my own ‘Get lost’ box to celebrate this Halloween! Instead of leaving my box at the crossroads, I’ve decided I’d rather burn mine tonight and with this I am ‘willing all my woes’ away, I only hope this works! (Results to be posted at a later date..) either way writing down all your problems, placing them in a box & sewing in all that you wish to get rid of is very cathartic, so maybe ‘give it try’ before you knock it…it’s certainly a change to pumpkin heads, ghouls, skeletons, cobwebs and other such Halloween favourites. One thing’s for sure you won’t find this at Poundland! (Or any other reputable discount store..)  Happy Halloween!

From the inspiration my creation!