New Year New Hat!

When is it a good time to update your look and don a new bonnet? Strike that, beret, no strike that ‘get ahead’ get a hat! With the temperatures plummeting in the New Year I was finding my ‘bonce’ was getting rather freezing…so to remedy this, I took a quick look as to what could ‘cure’ my head malaise. Well firstly I checked in at my local charity shop to find that Stephanie had had the same idea in mind, and was ‘resplendent’ in a woolly number with ears (not sure that would suit me..) but well it shows some ‘fashion forward’ thinking at least. Add a pom pom to your winter hat?On the high street and in the two markets I searched, the look was very blingy and with the ‘requisite’ pom pom on the top. Very cute and fun, and adding bling on a winter look struck me as something a ‘bit different’, though not for me I’m afraid..I’m much more ‘reserved and subdued’…plus I don’t think a pom pom hat is very ‘age appropriate’  for me unfortunately…or am I wrong?  And ‘limiting’ myself?It's blingy tick! its got a pom pom tick! it's a head on a stick...but am I too 'old' for it? So I have to look elsewhere, I need something that will blend in with my particular ‘groove’..Oh well it’s back to the drawing board for me. So on my search went and in a further few charity shops I found some less ‘attention grabbing’ numbers plus some ‘sombrero inspired’? looks. Dear dear, why is it so difficult to get a plain hat these days??The charity shop revealed some plainer styles that were maybe a bit too 'pastel' for me…

 Don’t you just love the drawn on eyelashes and lips? 

spotted this on the market very good to hideaway?

an incognito look for those ‘hideaway’ days?

An 'interesting' take on accessories?

Finally is what I really need a sombrero?  Think just a bit chilly for the moment…