Beige is back…a ‘Viscous biscuit’ any one??

So it had to some point…Beige is in! My favourite ‘go to’ colour is now is ‘all the rage’ (well ‘sort of’ according to a Grazia Fashion Feature I ripped out recently). Yes! Beige is back! My ‘Bring Back the Beige!’ campaign must of worked! Finally I am in 'fashion' now...This understated colour usually strikes a horror chord in any fashionista’s psyche, and even the general public et el may shake in absolute terror, but having explored this clunking dinosaur (in detail), I decided several years ago to ‘go native’ and be brave and drag it out of the cupboard screaming! I mean it’s my ‘uniform’ now, my ‘safety blanket’ my camouflage, and to be quite frank despite what comes in and out of fashion I personally would never be seen without it. (In fact I think my clothes have somehow moulded to me…and become ‘one with my flesh’). My beige camouflage jacket a 'must' from BHS

Honestly because it was used historically so often to be ‘tasteful’ (I know very ‘hard’ to believe now) or to blend in with the background….or to make nice cosy tea sets and doilies you can almost guarantee you will now stand out. That’s if your brave enough, do you want to stand out in a ‘good’ way or a ‘bad’ way or just stand out?My beige skirt part two of the 'uniform' a complete essential! So as I have a penchant for 70’s horror (films and TV that is) I am only honouring my true passions…disturbing as this may seem and dressing more or less beige every day, it works for me..and it’s my signature. My jacket, skirt and shoes are all beige, as mentioned my uniform…I do wear other colours of course like a brown top and I have black bag…! (Very ‘daring’ I know!)The crucial yet very comfortable Clifford James shoes highly recommended!

So of course…this wardrobe ‘skeleton’ because it was so ‘out’ and on a list of ‘never to wear’ it’s now back in, and in the lines of Heidi Klum from Project Runway (love it!) ‘as you know in fashion one day you’re in, and the next day you’re out‘. (Wonder if that esteemed fashion brand Vetements will give it a go??  Maybe they already have…) So do you dare to be different and explore your dark or even ‘beige’ side? (I presume we ‘all’ have one? Those days when you just have to blend in and disappear..). I also have a new name for beige to ‘throw out’ there, it’s ‘Viscous biscuit’  echoing the ‘terror’ of being ‘basically beige’…a rich tea anyone?And now altogether shout beige!