Car ‘Booti-full’

I’ve been making the effort this summer to get up early on a Sunday morning (no easy task…) to go to a variety of boot sales around my local area. Some very large, some small, but all containing a ‘bountiful’ of expectant interest…in that you have no idea before you go what you’ll find or discover. I just approach it with an open mind, and I’m just excited not knowing what will be there.

Are two heads better than one on this stall?

Are two heads better than one on this stall?

It’s not just about looking for/or hoping for to find that ‘elusive’ treasure which will make you rich, or feature you on Flog It. Most people (though there are exceptions..) are more ‘sussed’ now with rise of the internet, and are able to look up items on eBay to see if they do have any ‘real’ monetary value. So the likelihood that you will find a ‘valuable’ item is severely reduced (though it doesn’t stop you hoping or trying to find that diamond in the rough…).

A makeshift gallery?  Or an 'artful' display?

A makeshift gallery? Or an ‘artful’ display?

What I love about car boot’s is the unedited chaos, of people willing to try and sell anything, the very reasonable prices and that at the larger car boots they nearly always have stalls selling household goods toiletries etc, which are a dam sight cheaper than the shops! Of course there are mountains of shoes and discarded clothes, though mostly I notice in a reasonable condition.

These shoes were not made for walking?

These shoes were not made for walking?

Regarding the shoes I have seen a lot of super high heels obviously worn once on a night out, and never to be worn again, so it’s either car boot or the bottom of the wardrobe. Also I ‘delight’ in the way items are displayed like a really ‘dodgy’ picture of Rod Stewart alongside a pair of glittery high heels.

Rod Stewart or heels?

Rod Stewart or heels?

It’s this thrown together haphazard display I just love, in a world where shops have generally have taken time and money with presentation. I applaud this ‘Devil May Care’ or who cares, lackadaisical strewn affair. Though now as it’s nearly mid-September some of the boot fairs will pack up shortly until the Spring.

There are always some scary dolls on offer, but what's with the pottery 'tea-cosy?' head??!!

There are always some scary dolls on offer, but what’s with the pottery ‘tea-cosy?’ head??!!

Though fortunately a few I’ve discovered…will continue…therefore there will be more early starts in the coming Autumn/Winter of which I’m only too glad…(well mainly…as I’m not naturally a ‘morning’ person…oh well…bring on the coffee! Pronto!).

There were a number of Marilyn's, but also some 'fine' art...

There were a number of Marilyn’s, but also some ‘fine’ art…

The last of the summer boot fairs now autumn approaches...better get your 'Jo Jo' bows now...?

The last of the summer boot fairs now autumn approaches…better get your ‘Jo Jo’ bows now…?