Sherry baby

Looks like I’m ‘trending again’ with hipsters getting on board with my favourite tipple Sherry. Yes I used to ‘LOL’ (aren’t I up to date??) at my mum when I was younger when she insisted on her glass of Emva Cream (now very hard to get…) not realizing that come several years later I would succumb to the ‘secret delights’ of Sherry drinking. In fact when I was growing up in the 1970’s Sherry mornings were very popular (goodness knows how people actually did anything after them…?) and now it seems Sherry is ‘stepping out of the shadows’ to reclaim a whole new generation of tipplers.

Sherry adverts from the 1970's

Sherry adverts from the 1970’s

People are literally falling out of their ‘trendy closets’ to jump on the ‘Sherry cool’ bandwagon, though for me Sherry is simply essential to my well-being and always in moderation….It is to be savoured of an evening, either before or after dinner and to accompany me whilst putting my feet up with my favourite box set. It makes me feel settled and at ease to enjoy what now must be a centuries-old tradition, and who am I to begrudge some newbie’s discovering this custom and adding a new twist? (well me actually…)

Nobleman is my favourite tipple now mainly because it's £2.99!

Nobleman is my favourite tipple now mainly because it’s £2.99!

The article which brought up this subject also mentions needlework, another past time I’ve been engaged with for years and years (so yet again I got there first hee hee...) but anyway let’s raise our glasses to this new intoxicating inclination, which no one should be denied.

My vision after a few glasses...??

My vision after a few glasses…??



Advert from 1977 my mum’s favourite Sherry Emva Cream apparently good enough for the Queen of Sheba…!