
Is it a question of more ‘trash than fash’ this Halloween? With whole aisles in the shops dedicated Halloween products, you really have to ‘sift through’ to find the ‘fashion’ aspect. Though Halloween is not about fashion as such, it is strongly about attire. So what will you be wearing this Halloween? A white sheet and /or bandages – v cheap! It may be said that Halloween has become a mass commercial venture. (Which cannot be denied…) though I remember the days of just trick or treat and that odious green slime (what ever happened to that??) and bobbing apples.

the Halloween market can be a bit 'cut-throat'....and check those nails

the Halloween market can be a bit ‘cut-throat’….and check those nails

It was nothing too over-the-top, but now it seems it’s going into overdrive with the huge Americanisation of this festival.  But who can blame the kids wanting to get dressed up and having some spooky fun? Not me! So that aspect of it should be celebrated, because how many times a year do they get the opportunity to do that? I actually find it quite a laugh spotting random kids in their Halloween costumes it breaks up the everyday reality (a bit..). So what if they go over the top with it? Its just once a year after all. Halloween celebrates the darkness, what ‘lies in the shadows’ which can make an appearance be it a ‘ghost,’ an ‘apparition’ or more pointedly a demon.

there were nails a plenty love the bat lashes!

there were nails a plenty love the bat lashes!

 As it usually is about scaring you! It’s long been held a night of ‘magic and mystery’ with ‘the veil’ between the two worlds at it’s thinnest. The ‘unseen’ can be seen, it’s about remembrance and contemplation and ritual but somehow this has been rather lost. So you have the choice of making it ‘loud’ or making it ‘quiet’, think I’m going to choose quiet..though I have to say I love those green nails and bat eyelashes! Maybe I could just wear them and stand in the shadows and see what…if anything appears? All will be revealed tomorrow night at the stroke of midnight I hope…

it's not Halloween without a good wig!

it’s not Halloween without a good wig!


or without some dripping blood effects - it's Hammer Horror time!

or without some dripping blood effects – it’s Hammer Horror time!