Fashion One is the one!

Flicking channels recently I was very pleased to come across ‘Fashion One’ channel on Sky 257, since a year or so ago when World Fashion show was on “My Channel’ both the show and channel seemed to disappear…so I was pleasantly surprised to know there is a whole channel to appease my ‘fashion fix‘ whenever I am in the mood! It is a fashion magazine show with runway reports, behind the scenes features on designers and photographers etc. (Though these sections seem to focus on the less well-known, not a problem if they are interesting..) the only problem is they repeat a lot of their material so you just have to hope you are lucky when you switch on..


Otherwise it’s extremely good fun to indulge in the latest catwalk trends whilst drinking a ready made latte and eating a tasty bun, you really can’t go wrong! It’s a ‘High Tea’ or maybe ‘High latte?” with a ‘High Fashion’ mix~ I wonder if my range ‘RagAsh’ by Philippa Nestie label will ever feature? (more about this later on) but in the meantime it’s sure nice to dream….so watch this space!!

fashionone3Both photos were taken of my TV screen whilst watching Fashion One channel on sky 257