A Grey ‘state’…

The weather over the last week as we’ve entered the New Year has been awful…and on my phone today’s forecast it’s ‘dreary’ oh dear…after the sparkle ‘n’ glitz of New Year comes a more sombre tone of grim reality. Terrible weather, a return to work, being skint after Christmas and the dreaded price hikes in travel costs, so overall not that ‘great’ is it? The mannequins I captured locally reflect this mood…grey clothes and grey hair, but hey that’s ‘trendy’ isn’t it? (well at least if you’re young..not so it seems if you are older..).

The weather forecast on my phone was not positive...But I guess   realistic...

The weather forecast on my phone was not positive…But I guess realistic…

In this depressing atmosphere I have to strive for the positive somewhere, there has been the recent sales but well…I can’t say I was ‘overwhelmed’. Though grey is often a colour associated with grimness, authority and conventionality, I actually like it! It goes with any colour, is adaptable, neutral and to be frank calming, serene and often flattering. Suitable for all different types of clothing, styles and shapes. That is something to celebrate! So going against convention of this much ‘maligned’ colour…I say ‘hail the grey’, it’s not so ‘bad’ after all…(well at least let’s try] there is a reason for it, it does have its purpose and it’s not all ‘doom and gloom’. In fact I just bought my mum a rather fetching soft and cosy grey dressing gown..so I’m just going to ‘wallow’ in it and submerge myself in this ‘soothing camouflage’, float and dream and then..er…possibly…‘fade to grey’… 

It was grey all around in the shops

It was grey all around in the shops