Valentine…time for a pasty please!

It’s that tacky time of year again…red roses, chocolates and ‘disturbing’ teddies all in aid of Valentine’s Day. When no one it seems can give a fig who or what that was anymore and singletons the nation over feel evermore single with no Valentine. Why does this day have to have such negative insinuations to those who are not ‘coupled up’? It’s that expectation that ‘something’ could possibly happen…and then falls flat when nothing at all occurs. Romance should not ‘dance’ to the tune of calendar dates, or be contrived to make us feel we’re ‘fitting in’. I remember at school it was both a ‘joke’ and a good opportunity to send that boy you fancy an anonymous Valentine card…and then sit back with sheer delight as he scratches his head wondering who in earth sent it?

Is all this together too much??

I’m feeling ‘blue’ about Valentine’s this year…

So it was a bit of ‘fun and a giggle’, and not to be taken at all seriously. Outside of school as an adult there is the prospect of wine, roses and candlelit dinner’s. Though I had to smile when I saw on TV bakery chain Gregg’s are hosting an ‘exclusive Valentines night’ which comprises of a sit down romantic meal in one of their stores. So yes I’ll have a “nice juicy jam doughnut and a cheese and onion pasty please!” (though on second thoughts….maybe not at the same time…).  So if I did have the opportunity to go on a Valentines night out I think I would go for that option. Apart from that I’ll be having a quiet night in with maybe with a box of chocolates, and I’ve noticed that the Horror channel has got the 1981 film ‘My Bloody Valentine’ on…I’ve not seen that one yet maybe it’s time I should?