Time for a break…

I took a short break last week which I booked in the dead of winter in February to be exact..fully expecting the weather in mid April to be totally dreadful (as usual..) and well much to my (and probably the nation’s) surprise a mini heat wave hit, for which I was truly unprepared for, resulting in sweating profusely in ‘unsuitable’ clothes. I was expecting rain and drizzle and received the opposite…I can’t complain my main requirement is to be dry if it all possible…as I hate mud and the ‘mess’ it generates, but with various things (like modern life…) I no sooner arrived home when truthfully I wanted to head out the door again…I feel drained as though I’m slowly disappearing down the plug hole…it’s hard to explain but I feel I’m fading away and when is a break truly a break? Here’s hoping I pick myself up and walk into the warm sun set just like this postcard and yes sadly it’s just me and the dog now…