Shopping where…? Going out shopping is…dead?

I just wonder whether the messages on a coaster and purse I spotted in a Charity Shop recently will in the future be made totally redundant? Maybe not in the sense of ‘Shop A Lot’ lady, as she can still shop a lot online, but for ‘one more shopping day till tomorrow’ that does not apply to online shopping!  With her arms full of purchases it does relate only to going out shopping. I also found and bought a DVD that jumped out at me whilst I was thinking of this, ‘Go Shopping’ and for 50p quite a bargain too! Promising to be ‘sharp and funny’ I was looking forward to this perceptive sounding comedy. 

Is it time to ‘Shopalot’?

Although I did overall enjoy it…I found that for me quite a few of its funny lines fell rather flat and sounded rather ’empty’ (of course though this may be the intention…) but well did not entirely work for me. Also the setting was rather odd kind of a cross between a Vintage and a Charity Shop featuring some truly horrendous bags, in fact the main character in the film the boutique owner, seemed not only in a world of her own but didn’t seem at all ‘fashionable’…? I mean I wouldn’t buy anything from her boutique and at the prices she was charging! No wonder in the film she’s going bust! Oh well maybe this film will become much more important in time, when no one goes to a shop any more and in fact can’t as there’s none left! Resorting to online shopping only and by just clicking on an item somehow through the mechanics of a future cyberspace that item is with you immediately via a kind of ‘Star Trek’ materialisation shipping method! Remember you heard it here first! To me though it will be a very sad day when there are ‘virtually’ no shops to visit any more, and instead the High Street becomes a shopping graveyard

Will this physically be possible anymore…?