A ‘Bum’ note…?

Have to say I was surprised to see bum bags available near me…why ‘surprised’? Well when they first appeared in ‘fashion’ in the 1980’s…they were definitely a ‘fashion no no’ along with shellsuits (ahhhh!). Although bumbag’s are very practical they were laughed at and included in numerous comedy sketches of the time representing the opposite of a fashionable individual. Though times change…and new generations look at the previous generation’s fashion and reinvent.  The “it’s so bad it’s good” ethos prevalent.

Neither the disco or leopard print are tempting me…

Also on recently browsing a number of fashion magazines the 1980’s are ‘back’ or rather 80’s influenced fashion is ‘big’. What again? I feel like I’m repeating myself and have got a very strong feeling of déjà vu…in the past I have covered the 1980’s here https://philippanestie.com/bang-on-trend-its-back-to-the-80s/. I mean I know fashion is meant to be moving constantly in a circular motion and we’re really on a ‘merry-go-round’ or so it seems…but to come back so soon?  Obviously there is a lot to delve into from this decade and a myriad of good and bad, where there was a lot of bad from what I remember….With puffball skirts right up there at the top of the list (no pun intended…) which I deem was in the ‘bad’ category along with the hair, and don’t get me started on shoulder pads! Also Dynasty is back on, a series which I was totally glued to at the time…Well going back to bum bags I think my favourites are the faux fur ones, though I won’t be reaching for my purse to pick these up any time soon…As too many bad memories and ‘flash backs’ are starting to come back with things from the 1980’s which I wish that time forgot…but it seems it never will…

My favourite one’s but I won’t be spending a penny…