Millionaire’s Latte a ‘storm’…in a coffee cup?

It was the appealing advert of McDonald’s ‘Millionaire’s Latte’ that drew me in, I never usually frequent McDonald’s but I love latte’s so I thought why not give it a try? The name ‘Millionaire’s’ also got my imagination going, living very close to my ‘version’ of not only Monte Carlo but Las Vegas too, I thought whilst sipping on my £1.99 Millionaire’s latte I can dream I’m actually in Monte Carlo ‘playing the tables’ sitting there…’dripping in diamonds’…Like a scene from a 1960’s iconic TV programme like The Persuaders or The Saint…

While sipping my Millionaire’s Latte I could ‘transport’ myself to the most ‘exotic’ of locations…

Anyway back to reality I popped down my local High Street and eagerly placed my order handing over my £1.99, I’ve not been in McDonald’s for a long time and you have a queueing system where you’re given a number on your receipt (rather like Argos) anyway my number came up and went…I enquired “Why?” “Oh it didn’t pour properly”, said the server “Oh okay” I said “Will it be long?” “No doing it now”, so about a minute and a half later my order was ready…on picking it up I made my way to a table, before drinking I took a few shots…Well what was it like? Did it live up to the idea that a Millionaire might partake in this beverage?

It actually didn’t taste too bad but it kind of ended up a Millionaire’s ‘mush’…Not very glamorous!

Er well not exactly…I mean it didn’t taste too bad and actually I quite enjoyed it, it did have quite a strong ‘poke’ with a creamy toffee flavour though on opening the lid to check…the creamy top kind of dissolved into a mush. Not very appealing…but you can just stick the lid back on, drink it and forget about it.  Overall it wasn’t too bad though I think the price should only be £1.49 at the most as the caramel tasted very ‘cheap’. Afterwards I did a search online and found that many customers took to Twitter to complain and convey their extreme disappointment…Though why some people really expected to get a huge mountainous creamy swirling top (as depicted in the advert) when a lid is put on afterwards I really don’t know…(I mean how would that work??). But what is true like many things we’re ‘sold’ it just doesn’t live up to the ‘hype’. I think we can all be fooled sometimes, but for me at least it gave me a ’15 minute holiday’ to some ‘exotic locations’ all for £1.99 not a bad trip eh?