It’s Bloody Valentine’s day…again…

So finally after watching my Bloody Valentine last year (a real hoot…) and not receiving any offers on a Valentine pasty meal at Gregg’s (still waiting on that one…) and facing yet another Valentine’s alone (apart from my dog who doesn’t give a s***…) What can I do to compensate…? Well…maybe buy a pink faded handbag from the Charity Shop which bears the word ‘Love’ hopefully on the front…though it’s in a rather sorry and decrepit state (pitifully echoing my non-existent love life…cue the Jane Austen novel?) And if that doesn’t cheer me up how about a #Love T-shirt? Well no that’s not helping either, so maybe I should buy myself a ‘I Love You’ lolly?  Which should really say is ‘What about me’? Boo-hoo…or maybe a piece of Strawberry Swirl white chocolate block?

I need this like now…

Yes that sounds more like it! Going back to the Charity Shop I spotted a ‘suitable’ make-up bag that states’ Beauty’, will that notion rub off on me? Or what about the same coloured cerise dress complete with rose and attractive ruffle?  Could that do its ‘magic’ for me? Or would that be just a bit ‘much’ and trying just a bit too hard??

Will this dress bring out my ‘Beauty’..? Or just ‘scare’ them away?

I also found at the Pound shop two Valentine related word ornaments ‘Love’ and ‘OXOX’ ahh how nice…(though what you would do with them?)


Does this actually mean anything?? What is its purpose? And what is it about that oxox?? you don’t add water do you?!


Though my favourite is the chocolate ‘Love’ cake I spotted in Patisserie Valerie (get it while it’s still open…) Yum! A very good excuse to indulge in some chocolate this February 14th even if it is my own some lonesome, I guess I’m not the only one…?!

You can’t beat chocolate cake can you?