Audrey Hepburn is ‘haunting’ me….

It seems as if I ‘can’t escape’ from Audrey Hepburn at the moment, whether in a Charity Shop (as usual…) or in a ‘normal shop’ (not many of those left …) that demure icon of the silver screen is gracing either a bag, purse or pillow! She is there! Either as most famously Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany’s or as Eliza Doolittle from My Fair Lady (just as famously) and slightly less common as her young beautiful self. Her image by now must of appeared on literally millions of items, and her perennial style shows no sign of abating, I don’t even need to say ‘style icon’ because that’s obvious! There has to be more to it!  

perfection in pink, whether on the wall on or on a cushion Audrey is there

Well possibly it’s to do with the characters she’s played, especially Holly Golightly who was funny, charming, graceful and had a timeless innocence. That’s it! Timeless! That is the key! There is no dating her purely inclusively to the 1960’s at the height of her fame; she bypasses all that, as she will never go out of style! Not ever! Like no ‘sell by date’ at all! Her magnetic appeal and the characters she’s played make her truly aspirational, like a ‘butterfly of fashion’ you can’t really pin her down and with her image ‘frozen’ in time, she doesn’t ‘age’. In addition to that was her impeccable personal reputation and Charity work, before most celebrities jumped on the ‘bandwagon’ meant she was a true trailblazer!

Just Audrey…

There is something so authentic about Audrey that cannot be faked! I think that is why she endures…Audrey had class and epitomized this in every way. There was never ever even a scent of ‘desperation’ like a lot of celebrities these days…who are all about ‘me, me, me’ and then some! I just couldn’t imagine someone like Audrey taking numerous selfie’s on a daily basis and uploading them to Instagram..she just wouldn’t need to, she valued her privacy too much, the mere thought of it makes me cringe…and is actually rather laughable. She was charming, independent and that is another thing that is strong about her, her independence. She was never self seeking or arrogant unlike well….need I say more..?? The list of self obsessed desperate celebrities is possibly endless! (and very tiresome…) I wonder…what message does she have for me?

Audrey making a ‘regal’ appearance on a bag and as ‘My Fair Lady’ Eliza Doolittle