Down Market…

So it’s not only High Street shops that are dwindling fast, but markets too.  Some are still there but most are not in their original form, diminished, reduced and ‘sanitized’ in a way, at least that is what I am seeing. I know of at least five markets that have been closed and reopened only to be less than half the original size, ‘window dressed’ made to look ‘nice’ in essence losing their personalities and character + the history!

‘top notch’ 3 market outfits making a colourful display!

So far less stallholders and the ones that remain often have to pay higher prices and then charge more too, so all-round not a ‘smart’ move. It’s like councils don’t really ‘want them’ anymore deeming them ‘old-fashioned’ or ‘scruffy’ or who knows what else goes through their heads…in a nut shell a lot less fun, in fact usually quite depressing, but I always look for the ‘interest’ as I did in on a recent visit to the market that has been moved from it significantly larger space to a much smaller offering.

Animal print? Lace? Think I’ll have a wig to go with that please

Wow…maybe I’m just not facing reality? Are markets redundant these days? Not entirely I hope…I think a lot of people I’m sure still like to walk around browse, look, haggle and at times interact! You can’t do ‘that’ online at least not in a meaningful way, so although I was disappointed at the size and the lack of usual choice I guess it was better than nothing…but when I think back how they used to be I just get too nostalgic. Oh those were the when up until a few years ago I used to get three top fashion magazines for £2, they were significantly out of date, hence the price but alas no more…so that was a huge blow I can tell you!

more animal print in a ‘matchy matchy’ style…though there is plain!

The clothes featured here are varied from casual to ‘crass’ or shall I say bold instead? Prices are low but then so is the quality at times, the very same can be said of online fashion though the real advantage of the market is that you see it first! So overall a fairer deal, it’s better to see it upfront and in ‘your face’ so to speak as at least you know what you’re getting! No horrible ‘surprises’ over the quality! Oh no! No returns! So although I was glad there are some markets still around…I’m just not satisfied with what I’m seeing unfortunately. I miss terribly the days I used to come back ‘laden with goodies’, it seems sadly those days are largely gone and leaves a very sad nostalgic me…guess I’m not moving with the times then…?

the magazines I used to get…all for £2…!