Novel ‘tea’…?

A novel and a good cup of tea what can beat it? Maybe a ‘novelty’ bag? A couple of which I came across recently, I can really understand the pop art aspect of the Swizzels Drumstick bag but the ‘Christmas’ bauble one? (have to say on looking at it again it does also have a pop art ‘angle’ can’t deny it..) Interesting as an idea, I feel it’s got limited life as an actual bag…or am I wrong? Could the ‘Christmas’ bauble bag be the next big thing? (+ good for office charity collections?) Or what about the bra bag I found? I doubt it…though gave me a bit of a chuckle. Also found a ‘Vogue’ magazine purse with headlines such as a ‘do or die health test’ (wonder what that was about..?) and for 50p not bad! I wonder what else I’ll find? I think one that would comfortably fit a novel and a few teabags would just do the trick and maybe a teacup as well!

not sure about the bra reminds me of old seaside postcards and the purse…who can complain at 50p?