Last of the Summer time…

With the school holidays about to end and the weather rather unpredictable (though to note a very hot bank holiday for a change…) is it time to start making some wardrobe adjustments? Maybe not quite yet. Despite the very fresh breeze today and evenings starting to draw in…I don’t think it’s altogether the right time to pack away summer clothes, maybe dig out a cardigan to add just in case?

‘hat’s off’ to a late holiday…?

A quick walk around the shops (High Street and Charity) revealed many summer items are not only available but also vastly reduced and some shops are already stocking jumpers and jackets…eeek! Not ready for that option! Well there are some real bargains to be had, though it’s rather a mix from flip-flops, holiday hats, to ‘bikini bags’.

if you get the bikini you might as well get the bag too…

Now is the time to basically shop for next year and possibly if a late holiday is planned this Autumn, but it could be very easy to get carried away with the abundance of summer wares on offer, best not to take out one of those oversized bags and fill it up?? Or maybe do and make sure it’s bursting ready for the next couple of years…