The Red Shoes

Looking at an app on my phone to check out what’s trending…I’ve decided to ‘sidestep’ or ‘swipe past’ the whole ‘Christmas story’, I’m just going to ignore it as much as I can, not easy and almost impossible…but in a report regarding new trends for 2020 apparently red shoes are going to be ‘big’. This intrigued me as wearing red shoes is quite a statement it’s very bold (to say the least...) and definitely not for fading away into the background…I guess your shoes can make the ‘measure of you’ in some respect, and I’m happy to report that in advance of 2020 I found a number of red shoes locally (yep…anything is possible these days…). The first pair I found and probably the most ‘out there’ of the bunch were bright red patent heels with a large bow (another trend I need to pay attention to) following on from that I found some slip on’s also with a bow no coincidence there I guess.

some nice ‘slip on’s’ and Wizard of Ox like…Ruby slippers click click…or is it tap?

Next ‘excitedly’ I discovered the most ‘Wizard of Oz Dorothy’s’ ruby slippers in a pair of red glitter pumps, what was it she did? Click her heels twice and think of home? Can’t really remember the saying but I do remember those infamous shoes, who could possibly forget? Coming slightly more ‘down-to-earth’ yet ‘raising’ you up at least 4 inches I found a pair of red suedette heels…and going back into my archives I found a photo of a pair of striking red shoes I took at an exhibition from about four years ago, but…I do not know who the creator was…only that the raised platform heels with a fan like frill at the back looked nothing short of breathtaking! Or maybe ‘heel breaking’ if you wear them…ahhh I could of literally kicked myself with a big heel for not recording who the designer was...dam!

suedette heels, and some defining designer art piece shoes – dare u wear?

Then I located a shot I took in the summer of a pair of red heels that were abandoned on the pavement (maybe after a big night out?). On examining them they look like they were only worn once! Obviously not very comfortable then…?…and the owner must of left the scene barefoot…wonder what happened? Hopefully not like Christian Andersen’s fairy tale The Red Shoes, where the character could not stop dancing and like the red of the shoes ended in a bloody scene. (Not good…) Therefore I feel the colour red will suffice my reference to Christmas without needing to go into the detail of it.…I think! We’ll see what 2020 brings.

the abandoned shoes…wonder what happened??? a good story I hope…