Patch it up!

Patchwork is back! Did it ever go away? Well yes for a short while…but it’s now firmly on the fashion agenda for 2020. I covered this trend in 2015, see here well there’s not much more to add as it’s pretty self-explanatory, but of course like all crafts there is an art to it. Firstly featured here are two bags I found locally (I do ‘apologise’…) because boy are they ‘unfashionable’…but they are ‘patchworked’ which is the most important aspect when you are ‘trend casting’…like I do every day! In fact I love them… they are so ‘fashion backward’ that surely they could inspire a whole new take? With them being strutted down the catwalk real soon…How I wish…Anyone?

Patch work 1970’s a big ‘like’ and thumbs up!! Why not eh?

So patchwork is a fashion throwback (not throw up!) which was of course very popular in the 1970’s as shown here, its practical, affordable, fun and you are recycling something old and worn into something new, sounds corny but can be exciting! So it’s a big ‘like’ and a thumbs up on that! In one of the many fashion books I own…I discovered a genteel gentleman’s dressing gown from the late 19th century which I liked and a pretty Victorian parasol that contrasts nicely with a dress I photographed at an exhibition, alongside the more traditional tea cosy and cushion that I also found in my book. From the 19th century, to the 20th century…now the 21st it’s still going strong!

decorative yet practical wouldn’t use the parasol when it’s raining though!

Unable to ‘stop’…I then found another ‘hideous’ patch bag in an old catalogue and a ‘Lorenz’ (who is that?) patched purse on Shpock, it’s so untrendy it’s ‘fashionable’!? The subject is debatable…but it’s just the kind of item my mum would’ve loved but as a teenager would’ve totally made me cringe… Nothing much has changed then

Hideous?! And who is Lorenz? Though my mum would like!