Corona Cover Up

Since my last blog post 20 days ago a lot has happened in between. The corona crisis has escalated to a level of national lockdown and it is an issue no one on this planet can ignore (don’t try you won’t be able to…). It’s all very surreal…Disturbing in fact to be living in such times, who’d have thought at the beginning of the year we would be in this situation now? No I didn’t either…Sadly my prediction of possibly being mugged for your hand gel has come to pass…Not that I’ve heard of a mugging yet…But hand gel has been stolen from hospitals good grief…my comparison to the 1970s TV show Survivors is also happening.


A mannequin head alone and in Isolation…

The streets are deserted we’re in ‘Protect and Survive’ mode (though if you’ve seen the films I don’t know how hiding either under a table or behind a sofa during a nuclear blast is going to help…). But I digress…Notably a local shop that was selling work/outer clothing displayed at the end of January a mannequin head wearing a speckled woolly hat with matching neck warmer, face exposed = normal, a couple of weeks later before complete retail lockdown the mannequin heads appeared with faces covered = not exactly normal…The timing I believe is no coincidence. More and more people are wearing masks and I don’t blame them. This is a very scary situation to be living through, the uncertainty and fear levels are of course heightened. Suspicion is strong, do you have it? Then don’t come near me…! I never thought when I watched Survivors I’d be living through certain aspects of it. Let’s hope it doesn’t go as far as in the series as that would be very very bleak…even worse than it is now…Fingers crossed we can all do better than that…For all our sakes lets keep safe out there.