So the last time I went to the Charity Shops…

Seems like a very distant memory long ago…(when in fact it was only March before the full lockdown). A different world where you could roam freely and only worry about certain aspects on your daily travel whether it be on public transport, down to the shops or a walk in the park. Now everything is understandably a lot more complicated and obviously restrictive with the shut down of all non essential shops…(though Charity Shops are essential to me..!). Well what did I find on my last visit? A pearl encrusted detail on a dress I would never wear but loved the embellishment, purple diamonte sling backs in a size too large…oh dear…black patent gold studded pumps that stated ‘Galliano’ though I seriously doubt it for £3! Also an animal print jumper that I rather fancied on a rather glum looking mannequin…(did she know what was coming?)

Half a Stephanie mannequin in the pink for Spring…

I also spotted the ‘half a Stephanie’ mannequin wearing a baby pink satin bomber and matching scarf with butterfly pattern donning a very ‘news reader’ style wig. Trending now? As news is very much in the ‘news’! Wonder when…I’ll be able to do this again…? Not too long I hope! Also with this virus obviously a lot of things we take for granted will change…like how will donations be received now? Will everything have to be fumigated? What’ll happen about the cleanliness issues surrounding second hand clothes and items? Will whole new regimes have to be implemented? As the virus can survive on textiles and hard surfaces for a certain amount of time. So will items have to be tested? Or just cleaned with anti-bacterial wipes…? The mind boggles…it may have a very damaging effect on the second hand industry? I suppose we’re about to find that out in the immenient future…which I sincerely hope won’t be too far off…but who knows??