I wait with baited breath….

I’m now waiting in anticipation for the reopening of ‘nonessential’ shops tomorrow and wondering how it’s all going to work? With all the limitations it’s going to be very interesting to say the least…I wonder when will I be able to take a picture like above? Are there going to be big queues outside Charity Shops? For goodness sake…Well will wait and see…as over the last week I have seen some signs of life in shops preparing to reopen which is promising. Whilst at the same time other shops no signs of life whatsoever…Which means…it may be a long while before the other shops start again and who knows which ones may never re-open? Which will be very sad. (At least I will mourn their loss and I don’t think I’ll be the only one…).

putting my best foot forward whilst trying to maintain my social distance not easy…

 I’ve really missed my regular visits to the Charity Shops and in a previous post I wondered about how Covid 19 will affect the process of receiving donations? How they will be cleaned? Will there be new rules on what you can and can’t donate? Because there are some big restrictions regarding normal shops where you won’t be able to try clothes and shoes on…! Then if you take something back they’ll have to quarantine it for at least three days…it’s going to change everything…I guess people will really think before buying now?? Anyway I’m going to charge my camera batteries in preparation and see what is happening this week, I guess it’s going to be a very long and winding  road to ‘recovery’…

a message of hope from a local shop…let’s hope so!