It’s Bank Holiday so prepare for Rain….?

Well a lot has changed weather wise since my last post…it’s Bank Holiday and despite a few rays of sun today the clouds have darkened and rain looks imminent. I’m feeling ‘under the weather’ anyway, so I’m not up for rushing anywhere or even going out now but if I do I would need to be prepared….it always seems to come on ‘all of a sudden’ the change in season it’s like it’s all warm and sunny one minute and the next…get ready for thunder, lightning and torrential rain…ok I should be used to the weather in the UK since I’ve been here all my life but still.…it manages to surprise me somehow…

getting ready for the downpour…

You wouldn’t think that was possible after over 50 years on this planet…and living through all these English summers..! Oh well I always manage to get caught out at some point which is v annoying but what can you do? Except prepare to the best of your ability…so that’s boots/wellies √ waterproof coat √ and a brolly (of course) √ rain bonnett/visor √ whatever the weather I am now ready…(famous last words) but…looking out of the window just now the sun is trying to burst through maybe some hope of non rain, so who knows maybe even after all this life experience I’m wrong…again…!