Pearl’s the way…

With more lockdown measures and restrictions ahead sometimes one can only distract oneself to cope with the onslaught of bad news and then more bad news…it’s grim to say the least….so what ‘better to do’ than think of a fashion trend like fake pearls…! (I mean well..what else?) or at least an item I’ve not covered yet…! Going back to a fashion note a la Vogue magazine where it stated that ‘every charity shop has a basket of discarded pearls’ and to dig in and ‘let rip’ and why not with all this misery going on….so I did or at least I tried!

shoes you lose…or pick a pearl and run away…no now I’m being silly…!!

Can’t say found a ‘basket’ of but I did find some and like the top picture at one secondhand shop in abundance! Love it! The ‘twist & shout’ swirls great idea to mingle and mix them up especially when you have that many! So Vogue magazine is ‘spot’ on! My search continued and despite seeing a pearl a plenty in the mainstream shops I just decided to go rogue and stay with my usual charity shops…as advised by Vogue so who can argue with that??

pearl’s are not pants! charity shop alongside ‘cheap’ shop

Ok so I kinda cheated…in the picture above the velour pearl trimmed sweat pants were in the £5 shop…dam I did try to stay on point..! I really did and well yes did find necklaces galore as also pictured above but not nearly the amount I expected…so feeling a bit let down…there’s always next week, I’ll give it a go as I just hate giving up…wait a minute I think I have my own ‘basket’ of ‘pearls’ at home…right going to dig in and look this weekend and update asap….!