When everything opens up, make mine a Rosé!

It’s January there is still a national lockdown, the weather is miserable and there is nowhere to go apart from nonessential shops (more on that next time or very soon at the least)…so what were my options? Well looking back on some recent shots taken before the latest lockdown in my usual Charity Shops (now closed…). I found a prolifery of roses not natural roses of course but “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” no not really just rose themed accessories or rather just bags I spotted (why lie about it or make it up?). Well looking at them at least cheered me up somewhat and that is rather difficult at the moment…there is nothing happy really going on is there? Or rather that’s the way it seems with all this depressing news, I guess the main thing is to try and keep sane, keep well and keep safe what else can you do…and if you have to amuse yourself by looking at pictures like this like I do then so be it.

in true tradition a pink rose not really my colour though…

The first flower bag I came across was a silver grey toned one that goes with the times does it not? In addition it has pearlised handles with an overall look of a little fruit basket or something like that. Then for a more ‘flowery fuss’ pink not original but true to form and definitely not my style or colour…no way Jose! (need I say more?). Hmmm..what next? I feel grey coming on again and a return to a more sombre tone that is more in tune with the times if you see what I mean…

back to grey…dare I say…fade to? Though a little rough around the edges but then again it is second-hand…

The return to grey had a black edging rather worn but well it’s not new is it…? Ho..hum…so some wear and tear has to be expected but it’s a rose and it goes with my theme so there you go and it also contrasts nicely against the red bag behind it. What more could you ask under the circumstances? Next everything is ‘peachy’ with my final rose and so it should be as we all need desperately cheering up with this warming colour to think of spring and better times ahead hopefully…but we’ll see…

the perfect peach or rather a rose that is just purely ‘peachy’ just what we need during these desperate times…