Beauty roll on a budget…

During my non essential shopping I decided to treat myself and purchased a Jade facial roller for a bargain price of £2.99! With high hopes of ironing out those wrinkles…well not really as I need a lot more convincing than a few beauty articles and flashy adverts endorsed by some ‘two bit’ celebrity with photo shopped features! Phew…glad to get that off my chest…! Knowing that Jade has been revered through the ages as a beauty ‘go to’ I thought it’s worth a shot and I really wanted to buy something and at a great price too!

that’s a ‘wrap’ or more like a roll…

I also had to buy some face cream as I don’t even have any of that, again I need a lot more evidence than what these supposed ‘miracle’ creams attest to hmmmm…..nope I just don’t buy it if you see what I mean…I’ve also tried out some rather gruelling facial exercises but it was just too much work and pretty uncomfortable too…so excitedly I opened the packet last night and as I sat back watching my DVD I gave it a go and have to say it was very relaxing indeed and I absolutely loved it, so on that score it’s almost a 10 apart from it was slightly squeaky (guess that comes with the £2.99 price point…) oh well I’ll see how long it lasts before I invest in a higher quality jade roller, so bring on the beauty benefits asap as I’m ready and waiting and need it now!!

the cheap cream I picked up lets hope it is “illuminating” in a good way…