Surviving not thriving….

Well a lot has changed since a year ago with my post ‘Survivors’ (click here Survivors… – Philippa Nestie ).  Last week marked the one year anniversary of the original lockdown and here we are a year later still sadly locked down but slowly preparing to come out…small baby steps tentatively taken into this ‘Brave new world’. What will we find? Well firstly non-essential shops can open mid-April so a big hallelujah for that! Though worryingly what remains? Well very little by the looks of it…many businesses will never open their doors again. Small cafes and shops remain shuttered, Christmas displays are still visible and piles of unopened mail are on view…not good is it? A way of life taken for granted at times, now gone forever. Yes I’m mournful and wonder as the posters I found today what do I do and where do I go???

What now??? And yes the question is where do I go now?

If only I could travel through time…navigate my own ‘personal Tardis’ and go back in time to my favourite decade the 1970’s go shopping and bring back my nostalgic haul…ohhh….I dream…open my own shop with my historic finds. Provide a service that ‘fills the gap’ and is ever replenished like the sci-fi programmes I grew up with, it seems I keep looking back because the future scares me and is a road untraveled especially in time…but ultimately must be faced…seemingly still with a mask on for now…