Venturing out…slowly…

Unfortunately I’m suffering a very bad cold at the minute (which is just my luck when the weather changes for the better…oh well…) though I did manage to make it out to the charity shops just before my cold really started to kick the picture above of yet another Audrey item (though I’m not complaining) the trepidation in the pose neatly fits the outlook at present. The peaking over the sunglasses is very apt to just taking small steps back to some ‘normality’. I’m not sure how realistic that is but most of the shops I usually go to seemed to be open which is very good news, it’s one sector which seems to be blossoming slightly (I’m maintaining a very sensible and cautious approach) as let’s face it better not to get too excited! So yes I’m happy to be peering out over my mask and glasses! As you never know what’s ahead these days…

An ode to the impressive Ariana in the form of a purse kiss kiss

To ‘match’ the Audrey makeup bag I found an Ariana Grande purse someone due to my age I’m not that familiar with except I know she was performing during the tragedy at the Manchester arena in May 2017, a place literally close to home as it’s the place of my birth though I no longer reside there whatever happens it will always strike a strong chord with me, home is home after all. Ariana been the upstanding modern popstar that I believe she is even went back to support the Mancunians with a return concert. To sound very ‘old fogeyish’ it’s good to see someone of influence from the younger generation getting involved and taking part in a good cause instead of messing about on social media 24/7 (yes I did warn you!). So I’m very impressed however just for fun I’ve never come across either a Nora Batty or a Hilda Ogden or indeed a Hilda Baker purse yet…(maybe the less said about that the better..!?) though I may one day come across those flying ducks that were presented proudly on Hilda Ogden’s wall!?