the kind of Cookies I like…& the ones I don’t!

Yum...! Oat & raisin cookies…melt in the mouth, tasty, comforting & totally delicious. A ‘national’ favourite, yes the American’s may have dreamt them up or popularised them at least (though don’t quote me as I haven’t checked..!) but well the cookies that are even more prevalent than these yummies are the real ‘yuckies’..what AM I referring to? The cookies that appear on nearly every web page, those privacy notice invaders, trackers & time killers. The god dam things that are so irritating, frustrating and downright ‘wrong’. It’s those demon devils the web-site cookies the worst bloody cookies on the planet! Those internet ‘killers’ or rather what kills your enjoyment ASAP….

yummy & yucky cookies, I KNOW what I prefer!

Oh boy do I HATE them, recently on doing some research or rather trying too when yet another intrusion of these little evils appeared. They not only ‘appear’ but very rudely ‘pop up’..grrrr. Anyway I use cookie ‘rejectors’ (or as much as I can on my browser) and always opt out or say NO as much as possible and only reluctantly ‘agree’ to functional or ‘essential’ cookies just so I can look at the frickin web page. Well this time I was really annoyed but I decided to look a little harder at this, on this particular web page it also gave a list of the vendors, the companies who want to track and spy on you and your online activities whilst “delivering the best consumer experience”…please!

I would love to ‘kill’ all cookies…

This time I had a quick look at how long they do this for and what purposes well, the dates ranged from 30 days to an unbelievable 3695 days what??? That’s a decade is it not? Are they for real?? Good grief and oh yes and what purposes? To deliver ad’s and tailor them to your browsing activities, oh wow like I really want or NEED that…OMG I just can’t stand it. I actually spent over 1 hour counting how many vendors there actually was well, it was a very long and boring count amounting to a staggering 1700 that’s nearly 2000! On one web page! I really can’t...being so peed off with all this I just had to munch on such lovely cookies to take my mind off all this stress…oh ‘crumbs’…! Oh ‘hail’ the big corporations and their spying not!  Where does it end? Well not on Halloween but wow that would be a result!