it’s November & it’s cold outside…

I feel like saying in ‘the bleak mid-winter’ but not singing, it’s miserable outside. Cold, dark early and today the wind has really picked up. Yes today has been bright but with a variety of things going on I seriously needed cheering up. I’m feeling really down and just trying to find some hope. I’ve spent quite a bit of the weekend sorting through some of my camera downloads and trying to work out why my Fuji camera is just not delivering, so disappointing to see out of focus pics! Well as I was categorising my photos under my sequins/embellishments folder I selected some images here to try  & cheer myself up starting with the appropriately worded ‘Shine’ in uplifting ‘sunshine’ yellow. With its stars and glittery stripes, it’s definitely started to make me feel a bit more optimistic, though I’m not quite ‘there’ yet.

no ‘clue’ what this is about…?

The next t-shirt I photographed is not as obvious with a rather mysterious ‘edge’ it says ‘drips’. Yes the diamonte is ‘dripping’ down the fabric in rather a curious yet attractive manner but what is this really about? I mean why wear a t-shirt that says that? Or am I missing something? Is there some big ‘drip’ phenomenon going on that I’m totally unaware of? Hmmm…..I’m not convinced there is but strangely I like it as it is rather bizarre and I think why? It doesn’t make ‘sense’ and that does appeal to me. Why does a message have to be ‘obvious’? Especially in fashion why not be more oblique and have a rather ‘sideways’ ‘I will not explain’ view? 

it’s corny but speaks the truth

Or….as depicted above and a lot more ‘obvious’ than unexplained ‘drips’ is  the final t-shirt “do it your own way”. Well it certainly is not original but the message is clear and true. In these challenging times it’s the simple approach that can really help, when things get ‘out of control’ and/or complicated. It’s time to stop and slow things down, & take stock. Yes there is a saying there is no ‘wrong’ way or ‘right’ way though I and many would probably argue with that but doing it your own way, you are pioneering through your own pathway and have to take responsibility. Basically lead and don’t follow. All I know is I can only take life day by day at the moment and have no ‘big’ plans as despite doing it or trying to do it ‘my way’, there are no guarantees.