Mask of Beauty

Guided by impulse I marched into my local Primark armed with my OneforAll gift voucher something told me that today I would find my ‘prize’! Of course being a gift voucher it had to be an item or items that I wouldn’t normally buy, so no leggings or tops just a prezzie for moi! After having a good ol’ browse and gliding up the escalators to the second floor women’s department I decided to take a look around in the beauty section. Unfortunately no cosmetic’s nor accessories grabbed my attention until...I found the LED light mask and micro dermabrasion tool well to say I was very surprised on coming across such items puts it mildly. Now in my mid 50’s anything that can ‘erase’ lines and wrinkles is a bonus! Most of these said electronic beauty items are usually much more expensive and for £15 & £10 = £25 matching exactly my gift voucher I grabbed both boxes and made my way to the till. Now these were definitely products I wouldn’t normally buy and curious to see if any positive effects (as stated on box) I made the snap decision to give it a go.

my gifts of ‘beauty’

A few days later I was brave enough to open up both boxes and read the instructions (almost would need a microscope they were that tiny...) and charged both devices up. First I had to try the LED mask, on viewing it I had visions of watching TV whilst beautifying myself with said mask…unfortunately you need to protect your eyes whilst using so sadly that had to go out the window…dam…I was really getting into that thought also to kill 2 birds with one stone. Never mind…so now I had to wear an eye mask then put on the led mask on and lie down…so I put my timer on and lay back and relaxed for 20 minutes however no difference yet…! No ‘miracles’…to be expected after first use, just hope it gets those lines around my mouth and forehead eventually…next the micro dermabrasion tool (which intriguingly has the look of some other ‘appliance’!). I set it for cleansing first (it also has moisturising, and lifting cycles). You have to attach a rubber end first despite it supposedly fully charged it really didn’t have a lot of power… night I tried the moisturising, and lifting cycles, again not a lot of power so unfortunately I’m going to return this one and exchange as willing to give it another chance. So we’ll see if beauty bounds ‘beyond the mask’…? Or not…?