High & low

Call it a ‘guilty’ secret but I do really enjoy my ‘reality’ magazines in contrast to my usual fashion fair. They act as a counterpoint to my high fashion magazines fix which are after all largely are just ‘glossy advert after glossy advert’…which can get rather annoying, dull…and frustrating to say the least. No …often I can’t elevate myself to any of their high standards whether it’d be fashion, make up or viewpoint at times.

Vogue versus ‘Love it’ there was a 70’s vibe

So what do I do? Well I indulge in one of my ‘low brow’ gossipy, ‘shocking’ mags to just make myself feel just that bit better. Therapy? Well if I’m having a hard time I can comfort myself that it’s not quite as bad as some of the things that have happened to someone else (though sometimes it is!). From betrayal, crime, illnesses, to even murder knowing that you’re not alone really does help. There are also stories that involve humour and uplift and goodness knows I need that at the minute.

make up simple! just one page max!

There are no flashy adverts to contend with adding to my ‘inferiority’ complex and usually just one fashion page and one beauty page. Nice & simple! Whether it’s high or low I enjoy both…on the poe! I’ll always be interested in pure fashion magazines though I definitely will not be giving up on my guilty secret anytime soon + at a bargain price too!

some of the shocking stories…