Customer service? Don’t make me laugh….

Please don’t make me LOL especially when it comes to anything apart from walking into an actual shop. No its ‘services’ from mobile providers, energy companies, ‘communications’, insurance (especially) banks, online retailers even the council. One thing they all seem to provide is utter frustration and total anger. “Your call is important to us”, well no actually it’s not otherwise it would be answered. What seems like a nightmare ages ago or something from a sci-fi film is now reality. What is it? Well it’s ‘customer services’ delivered most inefficiently by call centre’s resulting in long wait times, voice software that not only doesn’t understand a word you say but directs you to the wrong department or cuts you off! Bots that ask you to key in your account number then when you finally get through to an operator the first thing they say is can I have your account number please? What? I’ve already answered that what is wrong with you? Or rather your ‘system’ and don’t even get me started on the security questions which I usually have to repeat again and again. How many times do I need to repeat my DOB?

I’m not the only who feels this way…it’s just NOT good enough!

What we are living through is a total Orwellian nightmare every bit as bad if not worse than 1984. The hell that is ‘modern life’ great not….and a fabulous excuse to get out of actually supplying a proper service by exhausting you in the run-around. Making it as difficult and infuriating as humanly possible so that in utter hopelessness you just give up. Wow…it’s also ‘great’ how they don’t take responsibility or ‘ownership’ (as they love to say) and palm you off with excuse after excuse it truly is hell. In fact hell is probably more efficient! I always make complaints no matter how difficult and leave my honest (usually bad reviews) of said company. To say that I hate all this is a total understatement. Please…I’d much rather go back to ink and paper, even wax seals then go through all this hassle to just make an enquiry or pay a bill. The classic is communication companies that just don’t communicate or make it as hard as possible. The other aspect that links all these industries is that they just don’t listen to the customer at all! But fake it with statements such as “Oh I hear you” and “I know this is frustrating”.

Help!!!!!!!! I can’t take this xxxp anymore!

No they don’t! They just read from a script or repeat what to say from the training manual they certainly don’t ever ‘listen’….never! It’s a lie and a total fabrication. It’s all so very depressing and upsetting, especially when said company doesn’t believe you and makes you jump through hoop after hoop just to get one simple task done. I don’t think even in my wildest dreams I could ever imagine it would be this bad. I’m totally fed up with being talked down to, patronised, fobbed off, dismissed and often lied to + yes NHS I include you! I’m more than my date of birth, postcode, email address + 2 factor authentication! It seems modern life is designed to make you totally crack but where do you escape all this? Go off grid? A cave? A remote island? Where? Outer space maybe? For me it would be the tardis to zoom back to a time before call centres, bots, online chats, security questions & I’m not a robot! Hard to imagine now but those times did exist looks like we’ll never go back to them much to my very true dismay.