I’m ‘made up’ with this make up (well sort of…)

With the cost of living crisis still rumbling on and the purse strings all over the country tightening I escaped by reading one of my ‘real life’ magazines (it provides me with some light relief). Flicking through (can’t think of a better word to describe it sorry) I came across an item that I thought I would try. In the “What we love this week!” section the Make Up Gallery’s (Aka Poundland) ‘All About The Shadow’ eye quad was recommended. Coming in a neutral colour range which suits me, I decided I would definitely check it out. Especially as it’s one of the few items that remain £1 in ‘Poundland’ (personally I think they should change their name now to Poundland Plus judging on the multiple price increases). Well as you can see from the magazine image and the photo of my purchase the colour rendition was amazingly accurate although to note it’s a very small product, somehow from the picture I was expecting more.

pretty but not very pigmented unfortunately…

The article stated that it features ‘four highly pigmented colours’ well there were four colours yes but ‘highly’ pigmented remains to be seen as I didn’t find it so…more mild than intense to be honest. The colours are nice and natural with warm tones so yes I found the colours pleasing but they were pale looking and rather ‘wishy washy’ on. I applied this morning and it lasted most of the day before fading and have to say the effect was not very noticeable. But then as I’m older now no one really bothers looking anyway…! Would I recommend? Yes for £1 worth it for a cheap treat! Though very disappointed with their continuing price increases I feel the name Poundland really has to go because it’s looking very out-dated to what they now offer. I think I can accuse them of ‘false’ advertising due to too many items over £1. No longer a ‘go to’ for me…oh no