A ‘nothing’ November…

Why? Because I didn’t really have anything to report, I’ve also been very busy with a practical matter that’s been taking up most of my time. So the only item of interest I found was a pair of shoes (pictured above) with the potential to be ‘Cinderella’s slipper’…that’s it. No wait sorry there was also a weird shoe pictured below. I can really see why they ended up in a charity shop. It’s been a very depressing time I’ve really been struggling to find hope anywhere…nothing good seems to be happening it’s all ‘doom and gloom’ and to cap it all the weather is now freezing. Which is seriously bad news for me personally due to feet problems I can’t wear shoes or boots…only (wait for it sandals), I could just about cope with wet feet when it rained (and boy did it rain during most of November) but with temperatures going below minus I think not. No one takes feet seriously despite them carrying you everywhere! They are just taken for granted until you develop a major problem…and I’m still waiting on the hospital who are obviously in no hurry to help. What do you do when those who either know or in power simply do not care, they don’t want to give only take. I seem to spend my life making complaint after complaint but nothing really changes it’s extremely hard fighting a ‘cloak of lies’ I just don’t want to do it anymore. It’s futile…but then again what choice do I have if things are not working out? I’m hoping December will be better but then it’s Christmas and I’m so over it that I can hardly get excited except I love mince pies and Christmas lights…I find it all so disappointing and overrated…so no I’m not feeling at all optimistic I only hope that will change somehow…if only something would happen like Cinderella but yep that’s just a fairytale isn’t it? Shame really…

I don’t understand…but I do understand why it ended up in the charity shop…