For feets sake!!

I have to admit and maybe because being a ‘certain’ age now I’m having major dramas with my feet…a bunion in one foot and in the other arthritis in the ankle (I’ve been told no there are no ankle replacements unlike hips…so what do I do?). Basically I’ve been struggling on now for over a year and have had to wait nearly that amount of time for a hospital appointment. Over the last 14 months I’ve just had to ‘grin and bare’ it because what other options do I have? Wearing sandals during cold and rain has been no fun at all, until just after Christmas on some friendly advice I bought some boots from M&S, which were wide enough to accommodate the bunion! Hallelujah! Except from my initial elation the pain in the ankle got severely worse…due to no raised heel. Which for some reason I must have to prevent extreme ankle pain…so it was back to the drawing board. On a Charity shop excursion I unexpectedly came across some gel heel ‘cups’ and for 50p I snapped them up pronto!

appreciate feet now!

So in the boots they went and for a short while I thought I’ve cracked it! But no…the pain returned despite the very good cushioned heels. Out shopping last Saturday I was browsing the sale items and looking longingly at the sort of boots I used to wear, ones with an elevated heel/wedge. Heaven! I tried them on in a bigger size and bingo! Comfort and relief at last! I’m not sure how long this will last but for now I’m relieved. Appreciate feet! Those often neglected adages that get you everywhere, because without them you’re lost. I don’t how long I will have to wait for treatment or if it will have any effect but I’m hoping this will ensure I’m still getting around and able to fall back on my own two feet!