Face in shape?

Walking past a charity shop a face in the window beckoned to me, a face of pure ‘perfection’…from the darkness it seemed to glow. Admittedly it was a beautiful face + a young face…(like always..) but it wasn’t that which drew me in. It was the fact it was on a box for a product a lifting facial bandage, one sorely needed in my current situation! The shop at the time was closed but I knew as soon as I saw it I must return and buy it and for just £2.99! This was definitely affordable but more than that I really wanted to give it a go! Would it work? I wondered…I remember the first time I came across such an item it was in a film starring Joan Crawford whose character wore one. I was like what is this?

for £2.99 I couldn’t say no…

So on finding one available I figured if it was good enough for Joan Crawford who was Hollywood Royalty then it’s certainly good enough for little ol’ me! Sagging skin and a ‘disappearing chin’ is an unfortunate reality…so the next day I rushed out and bought the bandage. It’s one of those items where 1) You don’t really want to admit that you need it 2) That you actually use it and 3) The embarrassment factor…let’s keep it a secret! Now having tried the bandage I’ve been naughty and not stuck to wearing it every day for two hours (as directed on the box). Most days I’m ashamed to admit I clean forgot…therefore I’m in no position to say whether it works or not. But by God I wish it would! Meaning I’m going to persevere to see if my face eventually ‘fits’.

it’s not a ‘puzzle’ just a bandage!