The Great Kate

I was heartened to come across an article about a street dance celebrating the 65th birthday of Kate Bush. Fans wore red in homage to the dress from the famous Wuthering Heights video. This is the song that catapulted Kate to instant fame. She was only 18 years old when the self-penned song caught the country’s imagination. Rapidly rising to number one in the charts. I was 10 years old at the time and this haunting melody of Kathy looking for a lost Heathcliff spoke to me instantly. The song explores the tragic story of Emily Brontës Wuthering Heights. Using her voice to emphasise the emotions was astounding not only in its range but also in its originality. She instantly became my heroine. I pranced around in my long dress much like the fans are doing today singing “Let Me in Your Window, Heathcliff’s It’s Me, Kathy”.

Lionheart cover and my Video which was a wonderful present!

Kate was not only a huge hit but her arrival on the music scene took everyone’s breath away. No one ever expressed pure emotion the way Kate did. The notes she could reach would guarantee her a place in pop history. To me, no one has ever or will surpass Kate Bush. I had found a true soul sister. Her voice was not her only outstanding attribute, she could dance like no one ever did in pop before. Having trained with the innovative dance performer Lindsey Kemp she truly broke new ground. She was not afraid to do something entirely new. Then there was her immense songwriting talent, penning The Man with the Child in his eyes at the tender age of 14. And if that wasn’t enough in addition to her talents was her captivating beauty. A combination not only unique but never seen since. So I salute you, Kate because you are truly great. Inspiring millions and will continue to do so for a very long time. Thank you for all that you’ve done and shared with us, we are blessed. The magic of your music is truly memorable and provided some of the highlights musically in my childhood and for that, I will be ever grateful.

the dance of the fans