Happy New Year & now to commence ‘A No Nonsense Approach’…!

2015 – I mean to start as ‘I go on‘ with a fashion accessory ‘system’ spelling out not only my ‘fashion philosophy’ but also my general stance on the world at large & I’m ‘not messing about now‘!

In the run up to Christmas I raided my local Primark when I saw these ‘Style Your Own’ Opia range necklaces on sale at £3 a pop. First I bought 3 sets thinking I had enough to spell out my ‘tagline/slogan’ but no!  I didn’t have enough N’s…(yes there’s a lot of N’s in Nonsense…) so I rushed back & frantically searched the racks…(you know how it is when there is a ‘must have item’ you just can’t do without..) & there was ‘none’ left….bereft I approached the till to be told ‘they are probably not getting anymore in but there is a delivery in a few days so ring up’.

I'm up to my neck in 'no nonsense'

 So that’s exactly what I did but to no avail, so now what was I to do to complete this very important sentence?? Well an ebay search revealed a few for sale, so consequently a few days later I made a successful bid at £1 + £2 p&p, so I was more than happy at getting them at the same price (especially when other sellers were starting bids at £9.99!)

So here it is photographed & ‘ready to go go go’….! Plus the benefit of this system is I can record daily moods & statements, such as ‘not v happy today’ ‘bad hair day’ & ‘what on earth is she wearing?’ etc etc etc, so basically lots & lots of potential to be explored… oh by the way…Happy New Year! ‘Rock on‘ 2015! I’m ready to burst onto the ‘fashion scene‘!