A Question of 2 Pins….or rather to ‘Pin or not to Pin’…

A customisation of my ‘pin’ cushion gave me 2 options. Whether to ‘Stick a Pin on it’ (as usual) or ‘Pin it’? In my efforts to catch up with all the latest ‘online lingo’ I was curious about ‘Pin it’ & the site Pinterest (a brilliant wording I have to admit) so I mean ‘pin it’ to me is usually taking up a hem or doing some domestic alterations…

stick a pin on it!

But to be honest, I am rather ‘lost & lazy’ with all this, if something doesn’t grab me immediately then I move on…(severe lack of patience at times I know..), also I hate creating an account or login to move around in this media – I mean why? It’s so restrictive & well dam nosey! You can’t even look at some of these social sites without doing so…which means I am on the ‘outside’ attempting to ‘look in’ (oh by the way ‘Look In’ was one of my fav mags as a kid…)

Pin it!

So ‘Sticking a Pin on it’ to me is fixing it, preserving it, ‘nailing’ it, ‘capturing’ it & defining it. Whereas ‘Pin it’ has a more temporary & fluid feel, where an item can be ‘pinned’ but changed, altered, moved & re-adjusted. I guess that what’s the site is kind of about. I have to say I prefer my much more organic ‘pins’ as it were…& of course it’s more of a ‘back to basic’s’ – no-nonsense approach rather like my like & dislike stamps…yes, yes, I know you may think I am rather ‘old school or ‘skool’ but well I just ‘can’t help it so why don’t you just ‘sing that song, don’t be long & pin along with me….!